Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Class Writing Response

Hello. My name is Alex Rider and I am 14 years old. Right now I am in a bit of a situation. I am in a camp being held as a prisoner in Kenya. The mad man behind my capture this time is Desmoned McCain. I knew that there was something bad about him. All I am feeling is hate and regret. I am so mad that M-I6 used me again. They told me when I needed to sneak into the Green Field plant center that it would be safe but of course I was shot at and almost killed. Now the enemy has tracked me and trapped me here with no where to go. I wish I could start this over and not have worked for M-I6. I wish I could be at school having a normal life. Every other 14 year old boy wouldn't be fighting crime and running away from guards with machine guns.

I have to get out.

It is extremely hot inside this tent. I am being contained by two gaurds with machine guns. I wont be able to escape. My idea is to wait for them to take me out and that will be when I make a run for it. We will go into a facility that doesn't alow ammunition. I heard them speaking a couple hours ago. They are takeing me to Desmond Mecain so he can tell me his plan. Then he is going to kill me. Once I am inside the building it willl be easier for me to escape without having to worry about machine guns. My only defualt is that the guards will be more alert now that they dont have guns. I shoudn't have to be thinking about this when I am 14. Hopefully I will be alive to write another entery.

Until Then,
Alex Rider